Ireland has relied on us to lead the way for excellent travel insurance for more than 10 years. Over that time we’ve learned a thing or two.

When travelling, make sure you have your Getcover travel insurance policy number and emergency telephone number with you (This will be texted to you if you have given us your mobile number when taking out a travel insurance policy).

In the event that you have been robbed or you lose belongings while away, report the loss to the local police as soon as possible and make sure you get a copy of the police report to bring home with you to Ireland. You may not be able to make a claim on your travel insurance without this important documentation!

If you intend claiming for medical expenses on your travel insurance on your return home make sure that you get complete documentation and receipts from the medical centre where you have been treated. The same applies to any medications purchased.

If possible try to get a safety deposit box wherever you are staying and keep all your documents in it when not in use.

As your travel insurance cover provider, recommend that you have checked out the requirement for vaccinations wherever you are going.

If you are planning a backpacking holiday, always make sure to leave an adequate gap between flights to allow for delays and the time taken to reach the boarding gate for your connecting flight. Many of our travel insurance options come with flight cover as standard.

Weigh your bags in Ireland before going to the airport and make sure you aren’t over the allowed limit. Invest in a hand held luggage weighing scales you’ll save money and avoid check in frustration on your way home.

Make sure that all liquid items you are carrying are stored in your “checked-in” luggage. You will not be allowed to board the plane in Ireland or abroad if you are carrying liquids above the airports current limit.

Respect the local customs and culture. For example, check out the dress code before visiting a temple or place of worship.

Don’t be afraid to bargain if you are in a country where that is the norm. It’s part of the experience.

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01 526 7488

Monday to Friday
9am to 5pm